Picture my Photographs on your Walls

Choosing art can be hard.   It's a choice you'll be literally living with for a long while, and it's so hard to know how things will fit into your space. 

Questions you may have about choosing art for your home:

  • What size do I need for my wall?
  • Will this piece fit onto my wall?   Is it too big? Too small? 
  • Should I buy a single big piece or multiple smaller pieces, like a triptych?
  • Does it work with the room decor?
  • Do these colors work with my wall color or couch?
  • Will these images work together as a group? 
  • How many images are needed to fill out this wall? 

If you are struggling with these questions, know that I can help!  I have a wizard that can overlay my artwork into your home, so you can get a little preview of what it will look like in real life.  This can help answer some of these questions for you and make the decision process easier (I, for one, need all the help I can get making decisions!). 

Here's how it works:

  1. Take a peek at my portfolio & choose a few images that you are debating between or wanting to cluster together. Write down their names to send to me. Or you can just tell me what you like: sunsets, no purple, beach house feel, etc.
  2. Take a digital picture or two of the wall where you want to place the images.  For best results, aim straight at the wall (not at an angle).  Here's a great example from a real client: 



a light blue blank wall between two doors, with a small white desk underneath


  1. Measure something in real life that is fully in your photo, to provide scale.  In this case, the desktop was perfect!  She told me it was 50 inches wide.  If your walls don't have a lot of reference points that you can get into the photo, you can also just stick a sheet of regular paper on the wall so we can use that. 
  2. I'll go do my magic and create some layouts for you.  You'll be able to tell if something is too big, or too small, and how the images all work together.  Here's one of the real mock-ups I sent:


A small blue wall with a white desk underneath, between two doors.  There are four photos superimposed on the wall, all sunsets, showing the theoretical placement of the artwork


You can see, I can also visualize the matting and frame for you.  It's never perfect but it's a darn good approximation of what these images will look like on your wall!

This can be really helpful when you aren't sure if the images you like will work together, or if you have the right size in mind.  Here I sent few different sizes and even swapped out some images.  Ultimately, she chose these four and here's what they look like in real life: 



Two white doors with a light blue wall behind and desk underneath.  Four sunset photos are on the wall in a grid.


Sweet, right?  This is a great way to help make a decision about which image is best for you (or to help convince your partner!  You may totally know what you want, but they might need some persuasion...). 

If you're stuck on deciding and would like to give this a spin, I'm created a handy-dandy google form that will walk you through the process to give me what I need. Depending on my current queue, it could take a few days to get the mockups back to you, longer if I'm on the road. 

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